Saturday, September 29, 2007

Happy 50th Birthday to our Moppy, Lisa Hope!!
We Love You Very Much!!

Thursday, September 27, 2007

The Fave

Well I've been here less than 48 hours and it is abundantly clear who the favorite patient on the floor is! The nurses here LOVE him. When we are walking on his "rounds" everyone goes out of their way to say hello, pat him on the back, ask how he's doing, etc... His nurse today is Paula and she is his favorite and vice versa. She was actually called into work today to take someone's place and said that she could deal with being called in if she got to be Mike's nurse. She's very sweet and nurturing. Mike said that having Paula here is like having Melisa and/or Mom here. While I'm sure Mom and Melisa are both grateful he's receiving such exceptional care, there may be a just a tiny part in each of them that raises their eyebrows, snaps their fingers and says, "Oh no she didn't!" We're all pretty much your typical mother hens around him. It's hard not to be.

Mike is doing exceptionally well today! He hasn't had any fever in a few days and all around feels good. Once his WBC count reaches an acceptable level he is free to go! Dr. Stein said he is progressing "perfectly" and looks for Mike to go home early next week. WhooHoo! Sherry worked like a dog making homemade vegetable soup for Mike last night and he really enjoyed that! It was delicious - thank you Momma Sherry! Between cooking and doing Mike's laundry she joked, "Hell, I do more here than I do at home!" I don't know how happy Jerry will be about that but I know Mike sure does appreciate it! :)

Also at this time, if you will, please keep Jackie Buckman in your prayers. She is Niles and Angie Buckman's mom from Henderson and came down here to Vanderbilt to be treated for her illness. Sherry and I went and visited with Jackie and her friend Kathy Craig yesterday and she seemed to be having a good day. It was really nice to meet with her too. Please pray that these doctors down here can put their renowned experience to good use and she can be healed.

It's pretty quiet down here and boring is good. Please continue to keep Mike and Melisa in your prayers. Please pray that his WBC comes on back up and he can go home for a while.

Thanks Everybody!

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Straight from the Horse's Mouth

Alright, today we're gonna do things a little differently. Mike wants to say a few things and I'm pretty sure he didn't take typing in school so I'll relay the message. Here goes:

First off, I would like to thank everyone for everything they've done from the bottom of my heart. Thanks to everyone at Dana and the Hospital for raising money. You don't know how much that has helped us and is literally going to keep our heads above water. I should be coming home in a week and I hope to see you fellas soon. If there is ANYBODY that wants to leave a comment on the blog or call me, please do so. Even if you're not sure whether or not you're bothering me, I would to love to hear from my friends.
Now for the good stuff:
To Mike Hall and Dave Muse, maybe Louisville should have stayed in Conference USA.
To Scott Hope, Looks like the World Series defending champions can't even get a wild card berth; some organization you've got there.
I know I picked Michigan to win the National Championship this year and I'm sticking to my guns because I still think they can do it.
Josh Gaines, the Tennessee football program is looking pretty mediocre this year, but what separates that from any other year? I heard they were gonna trade Smokey for Humphrey if the season keeps going like it is. Now I know why they're called the Volunteers. Hell, even Robards has Volunteers.
Jarrod Morris, Looks like your Bears were a fluke last year, just like I thought they would be. Rex Grossman could possibly be the worst quarterback in the history of the NFL. And the best part of all, the only back up you've got is the Tin Man Brian Griese. Enjoy the season.
Rudishill, I'm sure you're somewhere doing something sick and depraved. Have you found that hunky stud you've been looking for, that beefcake of a man? If not keep trying, he's out there. You're a sick maniac.
Jason Haire, See Scott Hope's message up there. That one goes for you too. Thanks for calling and checking in. I really appreciate it.
To Everyone, Call me anytime preferably at night at 615-343-9306.

See ya'll soon. I'll be home in a week for 2 weeks.

Your Buddy Mike

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Greetings from Nashville

It is so good to be down here in Nashville and to see Mikey. Although we talk everyday on the phone, there is no substitute for the real thing. My mother-in-law Kay is staying at my house this week and helping out with the kids. Upon entering his room, I noticed that he has acquired quite a bit of stuff! Melisa bought him 2 of the softest blankets you've ever felt; he has a new small table lamp, some Manning stuff, etc... Also, he's received many cards and has them all hanging in his room. Mom said she thinks we're going to have to get a UHaul to get all of his belongings home and I think she's right! Although, the only UHaul Moppy knows is Poppy's truck, which definitely will get it all home safe and sound. This ain't Poppy's first rodeo in relocating one of us...and probably won't be his last! HAHA! Sherry and Josh are both down here as well. Sherry came down on Saturday and is staying through to the weekend and Josh drove over from Knoxville on his day off. Mom and Melisa both went back to Henderson and are holding down the home front this week.

Mike continues to do well and remains in good spirits. He's been a little more tired lately and understandably so. I mentioned earlier that his ankle was swollen. The swelling has subsided although now there is a sore on his ankle and what looks like some inflammation on his shin. On Sunday the physician performed a biopsy on the site. The results still aren't back on that, but hopefully they will come back soon and let us know what's going on. His fever continues to come and go. Perhaps this place on his leg is the cause of it? Poppy knows all about that leg pain and we know Mike will receive an extra dose of prayers from him.

Yesterday Dr. Stein, his oncologist, said that his goal is to have Mike go home sometime next week. You know he's looking so forward to that! He can't wait to see Casey Pace and be with him and Missy at home. He will be able to stay home for a few weeks and then will come back for the consolidation therapy part of his treatment. When we know more details, I'll pass them along. Here at Vanderbilt, Mike is on the 11th floor and has a great view of downtown Nashville. I brought him a pair of binoculars from home and he's really been enjoying them. Of course, we've had some laughs at some innocent passer-byers' expense; hopefully no harm no foul. Also, we've been quoting Ben Stiller in Zoolander and about crying in the process. That movie is ridiculously funny. "Merman, Dad....Merman!!"

Thanks again for the calls, visits, thoughts, and prayers. I can't tell you how much they mean to us. Please keep them coming. If you will please pray for Mike's biopsy results on his ankle and that his fever subsides. Please pray that his able to go home next week. And lastly, definitely keep praying for his full recovery.

Jesus Saves,

Saturday, September 22, 2007

Big Shout to Dana!

Last week the boys and girls at Dana held a bake sale on Mike's behalf. They worked very hard preparing all of the goodies. All in all, they raised over $700!! Amazing! That's $700 worth of baked goods folks, not T-Bones. That's a lot of cookies and brownies! Mike has so many friends at Dana and he really misses you guys. Thanks to everyone who was involved in this effort. The kindness of everyone involved in this so far is truly overwhelming. Mike and Melisa say, "Thanks!"

My Brother, My Hero

Good Saturday afternoon to everyone. Hope everyone is enjoying their weekend so far. Mike is doing pretty good today. For the last few days he has been fighting a fever, especially in the night. There doesn't seem to be any blatant, logical explanation for his fever - no signs of infection, isn't sick, etc... It doesn't seem to bother him too much; he is able to continue with his normal routine. The fever will go down but it just won't go away. Right now, his immune system is next to nothing so a fever at this stage is not uncommon at all. Hopefully as his White Blood Count comes back so will his ability to ward off whatever is causing his fever. Right now he is able to receive nupagen injections which aid in stimulating the production of WBCs. He'll have a couple of weeks of recuperating, so please pray that his body is able to mend itself properly. He is looking forward to some good football games this weekend. Other than that he is doing surprisingly well.

Mom and Hope went down last night for the weekend. Mike wants Melisa to go home and stay home for a while. No, I don't think he's sick of her (emphasis on think :), he just wants for her to be with Casey at home and to give Debbie a bit of a reliever. Also, Melisa's BFF Tobi is getting married next Saturday and Melisa is in the wedding. Mike wants for her to be able to participate in the festivities. Good luck to Tobi on her big day next weekend! She is so beautiful anyway. But I am sure when she is all decked out in her wedding dress, she'll be ridiculously gorgeous! (Note to self: if you have any self esteem issues what-so-ever, you may want to stay away from Tobi next Saturday.)

Last night Mom scouted out a fantastic restaurant called Rotier's. It is this small, hole-in-the-wall dive downtown close to Vandy. I think it has been around since the 40's or 50's and next to a couple of flat screen TVs mounted here and there, the decor hasn't changed since too much it's inception. Melisa has impeccable taste and Rotier's didn't pass her initial impression test. However, once they ordered their food I think she became a fan. They are famous for their cheeseburgers and Mom said that it was the best she has ever had in her life! Considering she'll be 50 this coming Friday, that's a long damn time to sample some burgers...shoot! (Sorry Mops, had to do it!) Anyhow, she commented on the fabulousness of her burger to one of Rotier's staff members and they told her that they have been voted the best burger in Nashville for the past 19 years. Now that must be one tasty burger! I think Mikey and I will sample it next week.

Mike continues to remain extremely positive through this negative experience and that is without a doubt helping aid in his treatment. Initially I thought that I would have to help Mike "get to that place", whatever place that is. But as this has progressed, it has been just the opposite as he has been helping me get to that place. He is so amazing to me - his attitude, his faith. It's really unbelievable. He told me yesterday, he said, "I feel so lucky that God chose me, me of all people, to go through this so that His power can be revealed." LUCKY! Can you imagine being in his situation and truly feeling lucky? That is the power of the Lord being revealed right there. Also, Mike said that he knows that God is with him during all of this. He said, "I feel more at peace right now with cancer, right here in this jail cell of a hospital room, than I have ever felt in my life." Again, can you imagine?? It goes back to being faithful, being thankful and Mike knows that more than anyone.

As tomorrow is a new day, a new day of unknowns, it is important to stay the course in prayer. We thank the Lord for the bright spot that we were given on Thursday, yet we continue to pray without cease that the Lord's will allows for Mike's ultimate healing and his ability to return to function.

Have a Good Weekend Ya'll!

Thursday, September 20, 2007

"Good News"

Dr. Stein knocked on Mike's door just a few minutes ago. He walked in and said, "We have good news...your bone marrow is clear." He said that Mike will continue to stay at Vanderbilt for about 2 more weeks, allowing his body to heal and after that he can go home for a while. Praise the Lord for those are the sweetest words that I've ever heard!!

I don't know when I cried more, when I heard the diagnosis or when I heard "Good News". I'm pretty sure I am crying more now. We have prayed without ceasing - in the car, in the shower, in Commonwealth Stadium, you name it - and let the Glory be to God for hearing our prayers, comforting each of us, and providing a healing that only He can provide! Please do not let up in your prayers and keep lifting up Mike and Melisa.

The results that he got today provide about 90% of the total testing that was performed. The other 10% should come soon. As with any unknown, there is a chance that the 10% could change everything. We will not allow ourselves to dwell on this. Instead we will look at the positive result that we were just given and keep our hearts with the Lord. As always, Mike and Melisa have continued to place their faith in God and trust that He will lead them the right way. Their job is to follow His lead and they have been diligent in doing just that. They are both such a great example, a great inspiration for all of us and I am so lucky to have them both in my life!!

Thanks for your prayers! Keep up the good work!
Jesus Saves!

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Testing, Testing

Sorry for the delay everyone. Brief summary: the bone marrow biopsy went well. More details: I talked with Mike before the procedure and he was in good spirits and didn't seem overly anxious about it. As I mentioned he had a very rough time with this originally at St. Mary's so if anything he was worried about the pain. I don't think it is possible for this procedure to be pain free, but I do think he was able to be in as little pain as possible throughout the process. Both Mike and Melisa were hoping that the "fellow" at the hospital would do the procedure. Her name is Dr. Im (pronounced just like the letter 'M'). She reminds us of Dr. Yang, Sandra Oh, from Grey's Anatomy. I think she is as tough as Yang but I think Im's cuter, for what that's worth. Anyhow, Im wasn't present during rounds this morning and wasn't there to do the procedure. Instead, another oncologist performed the procedure. As Vanderbilt is a teaching hospital, Dr. Stein was there too, overseeing the procedure. Melisa said he was teaching the whole time, providing a play by play of the events occurring. She said that the doctor was very compassionate to Mike and that he continually asked Mike how he felt. The nurse also was very kind too. She made sure that Mike was comfortable too during the process, "loading him up" as she called it. All in all, the procedure lasted approximately 15 minutes and went fine. We thank you for your prayers in getting Mikey through this process.

We should know some preliminary results soon, hopefully 24-48 hours. Please pray, if you will, for Mike and Melisa while the waiting game plays out. Please pray that they are comforted and are not overly anxious. Please pray that they are able to be reminded that the Lord is in control of this situation and that they will be fully taken care of. Next, please pray that the results of this test produce positive results for Mike. Please pray that Mike's healing is part of the Lord's will and His grace is shown along the way.

Tuesday, September 18, 2007


Talked with Mikey today and other than his head still hurting, all is well in Nashville. He talked with Dr. Stein about his head pain and Stein said that chemo. can do some weird things to a person's body. I think everyone has a different reaction to it. Mike is able to get a little relief with some medicine. Please pray that his head quits hurting; it's inhibiting him from smiling and laughing, and well frankly, we just can't have that.

Mike also got some peace and "quite" yesterday too, which he seemed to enjoy. Yesterday was the 1st day in over 2 weeks that he hasn't had someone down in Nashville staying either with him or close by. Don't get me wrong, he definitely enjoys his company but also enjoyed a few hours by himself too. Poppy and Lindsay went and picked up Moppy yesterday and I think she slept the whole way home. She was glad to be home and slept really well last night. She said it's a little weird being home and not being with Mikey. Gosh, it's hard being a momma, even when your baby is 29! I think Mom is going to go back to work for the next few days and head back down to Vandy this weekend.

Last night also Jarrod and his dad came down from Henderson to visit with Mike. He said that they just hung out and watched the football game. With the exception of a few minor vices, that is probably the same thing they would be doing had he been at home any other Monday night.

Debbie is on the mend and is staying with Casey as Melisa is heading down South right now. I know Mikey will be happy to see her and will be pleased to share the remote. Melisa has really been able to navigate around both the city and the University. She enjoys walking and is able to see some nice scenery on the campus.

I know you all have been hard at work praying but if you have an extra gear that you are able to tap into, now is the time. Tomorrow at 1:00 PM CST Mike will be having another bone marrow biopsy, which was a very painful procedure when he had his first and only one at St. Mary's. We are hoping that Vanderbilt's experience with this test will provide for less pain and a quicker process along the way. The results typically take about 48 hours and will tell us just how effective his treatment has been so far. Of course we are praying for full on remission but any decline in blast cells will be positive too. Please pray that Mike is pain free during his procedure, that he is calm and comforted while waiting for the results, and that those results produce a positive outcome! We know the Lord hears our prayers and it is at this time that we turn to Him to quiet our fears and heal our brother!

Jesus Saves!

Monday, September 17, 2007

Weekend Update without Tina Fey and Jimmy Fallon

Yet another weekend behind us and Mike is doing pretty good, as well as can be expected. With his first round of chemo. over, he has been resting and recuperating. He feels pretty good and has a little of the expected fatigue and nausea but nothing too bad. He said that his head hurts though. Not a headache necessarily but more on the outside on his scalp. He said that he feels like someone is pulling his hair. Yesterday he went on his usual rounds, walking around the floor and even was able to get on the stationary bike. He did a mile before he even knew it and said, "I don't think I've ridden a mile cumulative in my life!" HA! In spite of a little nausea, his appetite continues to be good. Although being a descendant of the Smithharts, I can't imagine anything deterring that! Ya'll know we love to eat!

It was a great football weekend as well, unless you're team just happened to go all Tropicana Extra Pulp style on you even though you have been unyielding in your pursuit to convert unsuspecting hospital patients to your cause. I'm not saying any names here but if you happen to be a dentist in the Eastern Tennessee region, you may have just an inkling to what I'm talking about. It was a big weekend in the Commonwealth as well. My Mike and I went over to the game with our friends Patrick and Hilliary and had an awesome time. We were treated to a 1st class tailgate by the Holbrooks & the rest of their clan. It was all fun and games until one of those rednecks, God love 'em, broke out the "shine" as they refer to it. It reminded me of one of those science projects you did when you were little. You know, the one in a bottle that looks like a tornado when you shake it up. "Come on Rachel, it'll put hair on your chest!" Yeah, and that's just what I need. I will say those boys from "Paintsvul" sure know how to have a good time! And how about that game??? It looks like our super-scientific poll correctly picked the winner. The game was unreal! The atmosphere leading up to the opening was so thick and real, you could almost reach out and touch it. I don't know why but both the National Anthem and "My Old Kentucky Home" always get me a little misty eyed but this time I just couldn't control the emotion. Just like with everything I do these days, it is so bittersweet. I just wish so much that Mikey could be here too, enjoying it right along with me and Saturday was no exception. So there I stood, tears just streaming down my face. The lady beside me just kept looking over at me. No doubt she was thinking, "Hey Fruit Loop, it's just a football game." The game continued, one touchdown after another and until the last 28 seconds, I just knew Louisville was going to pull it off. Then came the touchdown that will ensure Andre Woodson a career in public office in the state of Kentucky until he dies. Being in the Louisville section, you could hear a pin drop, but around the perimeter of the stadium was a total eruption. I am sure you could hear the roar all the way to Waddy. It was really an unbelievable game. Now that I think about it, maybe it was best that Mikey not see all of the blue bloods going buck wild. You all know how he feels about UK. Also the Colts had a huge win over the Titans yesterday. That's always a big game for both teams. I know Mike was pleased with that win. That game was only blocks from where he is right now. I sure wish he could have gone.

As you all know Melisa was able to go home and be with Casey, Mom stayed in Nashville, and Big Hope and Bret came down for the weekend. Melisa said Casey is doing really good but he is asking to go see his Daddy "at the doctors." Hopefully Mike will be able to go home in a few weeks and be with him at home too. Debbie, Melisa's mom, came down with a stomach bug over the weekend. Hopefully she gets better soon so that Melisa can get back to Nashville in the next day or two. Mom is planning on going back home for a few days once Melisa gets down there too. She has been down there the whole time and I am sure is a little homesick.

Today please pray that Mike's body is able to properly heal and fully recover. Thanks again to everyone for their prayers, emails, calls and visits. It does help tremendously.


Friday, September 14, 2007


We have come together and prayed relentlessly as a family for Mike's healing and today we were given some good news. If you all will remember he had a bone marrow biopsy during his first few days at St. Mary's. I apologize for not knowing all of the proper terminology but basically there were 3 separate tests that were performed on that sample. The biggest test was the cytogenetic testing of his cells. This test in particular represents the single most important prognostic factor for predicting remission, relapse, and overall survival. We were told by Dr. Zigler, the oncologist in Evansville, that these results are either deemed good, intermediate, or poor. Dr. Stein told Mike today that this test was "normal" and that was a "good thing". Having 2 different oncologists means having 2 different forms of communication. I wish I could say that Dr. Stein came right out and said, "Mike, you have a good prognosis" but that was not the case. However, what Stein said was some good news for us.

Mike's white blood count is being brought down next to nothing and should reach its lowest point by the beginning to middle of next week. I talked to him today and he said that he feels pretty good...not as good as he has but not horrible either. He has experienced some nausea and some fatigue. His nausea doesn't seem to hinder his appetite too much and his fatigue hasn't stopped him from doing his walking so we are very thankful for that. All in all he's hanging like a trooper, taking all in stride.

Melisa was able to go home today and see Casey. She is planning on staying at home at least through the weekend and I know Casey will be so happy to have his momma home! Mike will have more visitors down there this weekend as Big Hope and Bret are heading down to Nashville for the weekend. Mom is still down there too. I think they are planning on hitting up the Mellow Mushroom once more at Mikey's request. Seriously ya'll...that is some good pizza!

While we more than likely will never know why Mike has been placed on this journey, we know beyond a shadow of a doubt that the Lord chose him for this mission. We accept His command, trust that His will shall be done, and the countless blessings that are a direct result of this situation will only be credited to Him. I read a good quote today. It said, "Faith is not believing that God will do what you want. Faith is believing that God will do what's right." This rings so true to me. Being obedient under the Lord and trusting that He knows, in a capacity more than we could ever fathom, what is BEST for us is truly stepping out on faith. I'm not saying that it is always easy but with God, it's always feasible. As 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 instructs, "Be joyful always; pray continually, and give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus." If that is His will, then that is exactly what we will do!

Jesus Saves!

Thursday, September 13, 2007

More Than Just a Job

If you all have the privilege of knowing my mom, you more than likely know that she works at Methodist Hospital and has since the dawn of time. Anytime I mention my mom to anyone, 2 common identifiers are typically asked. #1"Isn't she Les Smithhart's daughter?" (which, sadly, is becoming somewhat less common of a question as our generations are further handed down) and #2"Doesn't she work up at the hospital?" (because ya'll know you can't just work AT the hospital, you have to work UP at the hospital) Mom, I believe, has been there for 27 years, which for a career is an eternity! She is that one person who says, "I love my job." When I was a little girl I used to think she was just saying that, as everything she told Mikey and me was, and still is, eternally optimistic. Then, when I turned 16 and started working at Sureway, I got my first taste of having a job. At that point, I just knew she was covering her tracks! I mean come on, who really LIKES their job??? But as I have become an adult and our relationship has matured, not only does she still tell me she loves her job, but SHE REALLY MEANS IT!! I have more than hinted around (albeit somewhat selfishly) about her retiring and she will just not hear of it.

Mom has worked with Rita, Judith, Pam, Lisa, Melanie, Robin (and others I am forgetting at the moment) for as long as I can remember and together, they have formed sort of a family away from family. They have witnessed births, marriages, deaths, and illnesses as a family together. When Mikey was initially diagnosed with leukemia, it was no surprise for me to look up and see Rita and Robin walk in the door with half of Super Wal-Mart, only to be followed up a little while later with Judith coming in with the other half of Super Wal-Mart. "The girls" have all come through for one another over the years. However, when I heard what they pulled off yesterday, I was moved to tears. "The girls" all got the word out about Mike and Melisa and decided to host a soup and sandwich benefit for them. Melanie headed up the effort and people from Administration, Accounting, HR, Radiology, and Nursing all combined forces and made soups, sandwiches, and desserts of all kinds. They hosted the luncheon in one of the classrooms near the cafeteria. Rita said the cooler temperatures made for a perfect day for soups and sandwiches. They had an overwhelming response and took in over $1500.00 and were still counting donations!! It was a huge success! Mike and Melisa (and of course Mom) will be so grateful and surprised by this overwhelming gesture. I keep saying I wish there was another way to express our gratitude. It is unbelievable. Mom has said how lucky she is to have "the girls" in her life. It is no wonder she loves her job so much! With co-workers like that, who wouldn't??!! Huge thanks to "The Girls"!! We Love You!

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Promise of Change

I spoke with Mike this morning and all is well at Vandy. He really enjoyed visiting with Josh yesterday and for the most part is still feeling pretty good. As I mentioned before, today is the last day of his first round of chemotherapy. So far he has tolerated it like a champ and we pray he continues to do so well. Melisa said all is good on the home front too; Casey is warming up a little more to his new school and making it a little easier for Debbie to drop him off. I think he has a hard time at night without his Momma and Daddy there. Please pray for our little sweet pea so that he is also comforted during this difficult time.

I'm not sure about you all, but here in Louisville, today just might be the most beautiful day we've had all year. Cooler temperatures and lower humidity makes the sky seem bluer and the grass seem greener. All of the colors just seem to pop. Fall is my all time favorite season and today we are able to get just a taste of what is to come. Football games, homemade chili, jeans and sweaters, fall festivals, apple cider...throw in a few of my favorite people's birthdays and I'm as happy as a pig in...mud. We are lucky to live in Kentucky, we really are. It is the perfect location to fully witness all of the seasons at their peak. Sure, you can go swimming in Michigan in the summer and as Jamie, God love her, likes to tell me, "We wear sweaters here in Florida too." Just not the same to me. Our summers leave us praying for a reprieve while our winters leave us begging for mercy. For me, I don't know what I enjoy more, the seasons themselves or the promise of the change that is yet to come. As I have gotten older, I tend to lean toward the latter. There is something very appealing about the hope and promise of a new day, a new season. And without fail, that change inevitably comes. It is no coincidence that today, the first day that has provided us with a hint of change, is also the last day of my brother's initial treatment. I pray that this beautiful day provides him with the reassurance that even though he is currently in a season that has us all begging for His mercy, a promise of change is right around the corner. A promise of hope, a promise of change, a promise of healing. Hang in there Mikey, the best is yet to come. I can just feel it in the air!

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

9/11 We Have Not Forgotten

Hard to believe that 6 years have passed since those terrorist attacks on the US. Don't you remember that day just like it was yesterday? Remember EXACTLY where you were when you heard of the tragedy? Remember how blue the sky was that day? Remember what the rest of your day and night consisted of? Definitely hard to believe it was 6 years ago. As I was taking my boys to school this morning, everywhere I turned there were reminders of that day. Bumper stickers on cars, marquee signs on restaurants, flags at half mast in the school yard...all tributes to those who lost so much that day. Please keep the victims' families in your thoughts and prayers as you go about your day today. I can't imagine the grief that this day must bring for them.

I spoke to Mike this morning and he sounded as good as ever. Josh made it down last night and he was in the room with him this morning. I think Josh brought Cameron's PSP and a Madden game for Mike to pass some time. I know he'll put that to good use. Thanks to Josh and Brandi for that! He said he had a good night, ate a good breakfast, and he and Josh went on his walk. It is so reassuring to hear his upbeat voice and know he is in good spirits. I think I posted yesterday that this was his last day of chemo. Actually tomorrow is his last day. I know you are, but please pray that this treatment cures his body of this illness and his spirit is comforted at the same time.

Yesterday while grocery shopping with my youngest child I got to witness a very sweet scenario. For those of you who don't know Houston, or 'Tootie', as he calls himself, he is as rough as a cob...definitely all boy! He would just as soon pounce on your head than give you a hug or a kiss...just ask his big brother who by far takes the bulk of Tootie's abuse. You know those parents who say, "If we had this child first, he would be our last." Well that's us with the Toot Monster. Anyhow, we had just gotten inside the store and I was trying to bribe him to ride in the cart, offering up everything from Oreo's to balloons to no avail. What? Mr. Rambunctious ride peacefully in the cart when there are both employees AND patrons of Kroger to be terrorized??? I don't think so. "OK," I warned him, "but if I have to tell you ANYTHING, ANYTHING at all, you're back in the cart." From the smirk on his face, I knew he understood. I was carefully selecting my oranges as well as keeping a close watch on Houston, who by this point had identified another small child across the store. She appeared to be about his age and had spotted him too. All of the sudden, out of nowhere, they take off running towards one another. Both her mom and I kind of followed along, watching how this was going to unfold. Was he going to take her down, Ray Lewis style? Bite her? With him it's all a possibility. Instead, much to my surprise, rather shock, they met in the middle and just hugged one another...for quite a while too. It was one of the sweetest things I've ever seen. From what we could gather, they didn't know each other, didn't go to the same school, didn't go to the same church, probably the first time they have ever even seen each other, but it didn't stop them from hugging one another. It was the sweetest, most honest, most natural act these two kids could have done at that time. They didn't think anything of it what-so-ever. How liberating it must be to be 2 years old!! Her mom remarked how sweet it was was that they aren't inhibited from doing something like that. I said that we should be more like that. And we should. Maybe we don't need to go up and hug a complete stranger but being a little kinder, a little more gentler sure couldn't hurt either. Because who knows what that person on the other end is going through at the moment.

Monday, September 10, 2007

Feathers, Feathers Everywhere...

Happy Monday All! I talked to Mike early this morning and he said that everything was going good. No nausea, has a good appetite, and just finished his morning walk. He only has 1 day of chemo. left! (little whoop-whoop!) Then for the next 7 days he will basically be resting, allowing his body to recuperate and rebuild its blood supply. Please pray again that this chemo. knocks out all of those little sons-a-bitches and he is back in the saddle at Dana in no time! Please also pray that his body continues to tolerate his chemo. as well as he has thus far.

Mikey had a good weekend; had lots of visitors. Big Hope, Mei-Mei, and Casey all went back to Henderson last night. Mom and Melisa stayed in the Nash at the condo and were headed back over to Vandy this morning. Our cousin Josh is kindly taking some time away from his practice of "fighting cavities for freedom" to hang out with the patient for a couple of days. I hope Brandi and the boys manage get along ok while he is gone. Go Gaines!! Oh how Mikey wishes the Beaner were there too. He does miss him terribly, as we all do. Somehow though I believe he is there. Go Vols!! Please pray today that during Josh's visit Mikey doesn't laugh so hard that he knocks his pic-line out of socket and has to have it redone. It is a possibility.

As I said in one of our previous posts, Psalm 91 has been such a strong and comforting verse for everyone in our family. Specifically it states that the Lord "will cover you with his feathers and under his wings you will find refuge." Many of you have kindly endured my telling (and re-telling) of my experience with the feather. Even more so, many of you have been finding feathers everywhere!! Aunt Beanie at her home, Mei-Mei in the hospital, Bart in his office, Mom at the condo. last night, and Scott on the ball field of all places. Sure it would be easy to dismiss an event as small as this. However, just ask any of us who have found a feather lately whether or not that is a coincidence. We'll gladly tell you the answer! Each of these feathers hold so much meaning to us as they are concrete reminders of that scripture that promised protection. I love hearing each of them! Please keep sharing your stories. They are so uplifting!

More to come...

P.S. Emilee could have SO taken that girl at 3rd. I don't know who's the toughest of the grandkids - Her or Houston? It's probably a toss up.
Happy 18th Birthday Garrett Hunter Eblen!!

We Love You!
The Griswalds

P.S. Josh Eades - Garrett wanted for me to tell you that his truck don't run on 'Happy Birthday!'

Sunday, September 9, 2007

Happy Grandparent's Day to our Moppy and Poppy!!

We Love You!

Trey, Hailee, Emilee, Casey, Houston, and Lane

Saturday, September 8, 2007

Coincidence? Hardly.

When Mike was diagnosed with leukemia, each of us were (and still are to some degree) placed on an emotional roller coaster of sorts. I don't know how its possible, but it's not uncommon for each of us to experience fear, anger, peace, comfort, and joy almost simultaneously. When we are faced with a situation as drastic as this, the only place we can turn to calm our fears, squash our anger, rejuvenate our peace, fill up our joy, and receive our comfort is to the Lord. Along the way we have all dropped to our knees asking for His immediate presence and have received His Holy Spirit in abundance! Some of us have had more spiritual experiences, while others have witnessed more concrete examples of His presence. Either way, we KNOW that He is with us every step of the way and we are eternally thankful for His grace.

During this journey one major doubt that I have been feeling in particular is that perhaps our sins, maybe even Mikey's wrong-doings brought on this disease. Even worse, I felt that the Lord was just sort of throwing His hands up in the air as if to say, "Hey, you brought this on yourself," and was turning His back on us. I have been struggling with this for a while, partially not wanting to believe this but still feeling myself give into that realization. I mean, why not? After all God has done for us and this is how we repay Him? Come on! I'd probably turn my back too. But as I am human, I am in no way God and I can't fathom the type of love He feels for each and every one of us.

Those doubts were put to rest once and for all last night when Bret called me. Together we discussed 2 passages of scripture that the Lord placed on his heart. The first one is in the book of John, Chapter 9, Verses 1-3. It reads: "Jesus went along and he saw a man born blind from birth. His disciples asked, 'Jesus, who sinned, this man or his parents, that he was born blind?' (Which is exactly what I thought...what sin brought this in to Mikey's life?) And Jesus answered, 'Neither this man nor his parents sinned, but this happned so that the work of God might be displayed in his life.'" How awesome is that??!! With this we know that we are not alone AND that this is the work of God. As the old saying goes: Everything happens for a reason and such is the case in this instance.

The next scripture that we discussed is in the OT in 2Kings, chapter 5, which talks about our old buddy Naaman. Basically Naaman was a man who was a leper and was sick. No one would go near him nor touch him as they were fearful of him. Naaman went to the King of Isreal and took him tons of material items: money, gold, silver, and clothing. He offered them to the King and asked to be healed. The King turned him away, wisely telling him that he is not God and he doesn't have that kind of power. During all of this, Elisha, a prophet of God overheard all of this and said, "Tell Naaman to come to me." So Naaman went to his house. Elisha told him, "Go wash yourself 7 times in the Jordan River and your flesh will be restored and you will be cleansed." But Naaman didn't like what he heard. He thought that Elisha could just call on God, wave his hand over him and he would be healed right there on the spot. Besides there were 2 rivers that were a lot closer to him than the Jordan. Why couldn't he just wash himself in either of those? So Naaman left angry. After a while, his servants talked him into taking Elisha's advice. He went and did as he was told and was ultimately healed. As Bret pointed out there are too many likenesses to Mikey in this story and this is not just some fluke of a coincidence. Just as Naaman noticed that there are 2 rivers near him, there are 2 hospitals that are near Mikey. But just like Naaman had to travel to be healed so must Mike. Just as Naaman had to endure this as a process, so does Mike. Just as Naaman had to wash himself 7 times, Mike's body must also be washed for 7 days with the chemo. Coincidence? Oh no my friend.

Both of these scriptures are so very reassuring. The Word of God is very real and is as pertinent today as it was 2000+ years ago. There is a reason the Good Book is the most read book in the world, year after year - everyone can relate to its scripture.

I'm sorry - I didn't mean to go all Billy Graham on you today but this was very moving to me and I just wanted to share it. Besides, it is Sunday after all and by a show of hands, how many of us missed this morning's service??? That's what I thought.

Don't feel bad. I didn't go either. :)

Calling All Cooks...

Our sister-in-law Michelle is heading up the Supper Club, so to speak. She would like to organize any and all volunteers to sign up to cook (or buy) dinner to take to Mike & Melisa's house. As you all know, Debbie & Tiger have been there taking care of Casey and we thought this would be a nice gesture to them as they are doing so much for M&M. Melisa is planning on coming home soon for a few days to be with Casey and Mikey will be home in 3 weeks recuperating. This will be especially nice for them in the coming weeks. I am sure the last thing they want to do is cook. Please contact Michelle to volunteer with this effort. We hope to get this going soon. Thanks!

Michelle Hope

Thanks also Michelle for getting this going!

For a good time call Ida Rubicin

Mike has 2 full days of chemo. under his belt and all is well. So far he hasn't had any of the negative side effects from the drugs, no nausea, vomiting, etc... He feels good and has a healthy appetite. For so long he felt terrible and with a hemoglobin of 5, I don't see how he was even able to get out of bed. Now that his blood count is where it should be and he is fully hydrated, he feels much better. He said yesterday that he feels better right now than he has felt in the past 6 months. We thank the Lord for this blessing. Please pray today that he continues to have the absolute best possible reaction to his chemotherapy.

Yesterday I came on back to Louisville. I figured after 3 days with my hellions, My Mike and Momma Sherry were going to send out the search party to haul me back. Much to my surprise, the world didn't fall apart, as my kids, husband, and my house were not only standing, but in better shape than I left it. Houston did wake up this morning though asking, "Where Shurrey go? Downstairs?" XXXOOO Momma Sherry. I am bummed however that I didn't get to see my good friends Jamie G. or the Hilleary's but I'll be back in a week or two...

Yesterday Mikey had more visitors too. Poppy, Mei-Mei, and Casey made the trip down South. Also, Scott, Chris, Brother Bret, and Garrett went down to see him too. Casey was very happy to see his Momma and Daddy and seemed to do well on the oncology unit. One of the nurses gave him a sticker and he was as content as could be in bed with his daddy. As you all know, the room is about the size of a Volkswagen and with 10 people in there, it can get a little tight. While Casey did awesome considering the circumstances, he is 4 years old and was behaving...well, like a 4 year old...with boundless energy. At one point Mike had to use the restroom and had to navigate his way through the crowd. While he was making his way to the restroom, he was also worried about the little monkey in the room. So Mike says, "Melisa, don't let Casey kill me in here; don't let him rip out my chemo. cord!" And with Casey that would be a slight possibility. Needless to say everything went fine. Last night Mom, Big Hope, Mei-Mei, Melisa & Casey all stayed at the condo. Moppy got Casey a surprise...a new Gordon engine from the Thomas the Tank series. He squealed out when he saw him and screamed, "Gordon!" He was so happy. I think they will continue to stay through the weekend. The rest of the guys just came up for the evening and went back to Henderson last night. Glad they made it home safe and sound.

I talked to the patient this morning and he sounds as good as ever. He was already up, had eaten his breakfast, and had done his breathing exercises. He said Dr. Stein popped his head in briefly. Apparently the treatment thus far is status quo and Stein was seemingly pleased with the mundane. Again, boring is good. Mike was quick to rush me off the phone saying, "Can I call you back? I've got to go walking." Meanwhile there I sat, praying the Starbucks I just ingested lift the fog from my head asap so I can make it to my little Landon Donovan's 9 AM soccer game in Lexington. Man Dude, you're my hero!

I know I sound like a broken record and today will be no exception but thank you, thank you for all of the thoughts, prayers, and well wishes that you have sent our way. I just wish there was another way to write that sentiment but I cannot stress how important that is to all of us, especially to Mikey. Because of each of you we KNOW we are not alone in this! Please pray continually that Mike's body is completely cured of this disease and that Mike & Melisa are given the Lord's comfort along the way. We feel your prayers.

Jesus Absolutely Saves!

P.S. - Idarubicin is the chemo. drug that Mikey will receive his last dose of today. We decided that it sounds like someone's great aunt and have gotten a such kick out of it's name. You can only imagine Mikey and the laughs we have had at poor Ida's expense...ya'll know what I'm talking about. Talk about the Lord working in mysterious ways...finding humor in cancer is a mysterious blessing indeed!

Friday, September 7, 2007

Walking Along

Day One of Chemo under his belt and all is well. Mike will receive chemo for the next 6 days round the clock and both the doctors and nurses said basically he will be bored. As Dr. Stein said, "Boring is good." He could experience some nausea along the way but so far Mikey seems to be tolerating the medications well. Days 8 and beyond are when he will experience being sick, if he experiences that at all. As each and every body is different so are the reactions to this treatment. Please pray today that this chemo heals Mike's leukemia and that he is able to have the absolute best experience possible tolerating these harsh chemicals.

Mike, and well mainly Melisa, are both adjusting well to their new surroundings. The entire staff here is so very kind and caring. It takes a special type of individual to provide care to a person who must endure this illness and we are so very thankful that the Lord has moved these people to their calling in life. Bethany, Shelly, Leroy, and Dr. English - we love you guys! Mom, Melisa, and I were able to head around the corner last night and enjoy some of Nashville's finest pizza...the Mellow Mushroom. If you ever get a chance to eat there, I highly recommend it. The atmosphere is super-fun and the pizza is dyno-mite, JJ! A big glass of merlot sure didn't hurt the situation at all either. We brought the rest of the pizza back to Mikey. I was worried about him being nauseous but after he cleaned out the box, my worries were put to rest. He loved it and loved watching his Colts put the hurtin' to Bush & Co. Somewhere some fantasy team is racking up some serious points with #18 at the helm!

After he finished his pizza, Mikey announced that he wanted to go for a walk, which is highly encouraged by the staff here. After he looked at us for a while and saw no volunteers, reluctantly I said, "OK I'll go with you." Well if we made one lap around the joint we made 25...and it wasn't any run-of-the-mill leisurely stroll either. Mom went along for the jog and was cursing him as she is going to be forced into shape. :) I told him I was going to slap a #20 sticker on his back and to slow down, I needed to catch my breath! He said, "If I'm gonna walk, I'm gonna walk." And walk he did! While our bodies are created to move, it is so very important to put this to use. Getting his heart pumping and expanding his lungs will only aid in fighting this disease and he is so thankful that he is able to do so! Walk on Mikey!

While we were walking, Melisa stumbled onto the greatest thing since TiVo. In the conference room on the floor, a massage school here in town was offering free massages to both patients and their visitors. What a wonderful gesture!! Her massage therapist was cute as a button and was also so sweet. She said that her mother had breast cancer and she really likes to come up here and help out. She also told Melisa that once a week at the massage school they offer a free 60 minute full body massage. Melisa grabbed her business card before she was able to finish that sentence! Hopefully she will be able to use that service.

Well more prayers have been answered. Mikey is expected to be here at Vandy for 4 weeks and you all know our family...each and everyone of us want to be here the whole time! (He'll probably have to kick some of us out before this is all over!) We have been worried about the accommodations, running into obstacles at every turn. Mom and Hope own into a condo time share and there is a unit by the OpryMills Mall. When we called to make a reservation on Wednesday there was no availability. We explained our situation and prayed for the best. Yesterday someone from the condo. called and said they were able to not only get us into the unit but that we have it for the entire stay! They said they wanted to work with us in any way possible. Amen for that. Again the Lord has and will continue to provide us our every need. Mom and I were able to find a Super Wal-Mart and load up with the goods. While they will be down here, a gift card to Super Wal-Mart would be a nice help as well, so they can restock the cupboard up as needed.

Be thinking of Big Hope today. He has been having problems with his leg with cellulitis and it doesn't seem to want to heal. He is going to the doctor today and hopefully they can get him on the mend. Please be thinking of Mom today as she has so much on her plate. Please pray that the Lord wrap His arms around her and reassure her worries and calm her fears.

As you all know Casey has been back home staying with his MaMa Debbie. His little world has been disrupted by all of this as both his Mommy and Daddy aren't at home. Well Debbie was trying to get Casey ready for school yesterday. He's not crazy about his new school and with his different surroundings, he really didn't want to go. Yesterday she put his clothes on him and he took them off and put his pajamas back on. Then he hid his shoes and then he hid his backpack. I think she finally got him to school and ultimately he calmed down and had a good day. Please be thinking of him too; I know you are. Hopefully he will be able to come down soon and stay in the condo. They have an indoor swimming pool and just maybe Moppy got him a "Surprise!"

Thursday, September 6, 2007

Me Again...

A while ago Mike's nurse Bethany came in and told us that Mike will begin his chemotherapy soon. She kindly explained what he should expect and how he will feel. He listened intently and seems "ready to rumble". I wasn't sure of how he felt about beginning his treatment, especially when he asked me for a pen and paper. What was he going to write? Some thoughts, some words of encouragement to himself...I didn't know. He jotted something down quickly, handed me the paper and said, "Don't let me forget this." I was almost scared to read it, fearful that I might cry. When I looked at the paper I laughed out loud when I read "Tonight: Colts vs. Saints, Saturday: OK vs. Miami." So much for some profound memoir! I am so glad that some things never change!! Go Colts!! Here's to Peyton having a whole bunch of TDs tonight!

Also, Melisa is in Mike's bed currently watching TV, specifically General Hospital. Mikey is reading the USA Today, seemingly not paying attention. One scene was over-the-top drama and Mike says, "My God Melisa, you're gonna have to turn that shit off! It's causing my leukemia to flare up!" I thought Mom and I were gonna fall in the floor. Well guess who's still in the bed? And guess who's watching General Hospital? Again, so glad that some things never change! Go Sonny Corinthos!! (Sara, It's 3:00 somewhere!)

I have added M&M's contact information here at Vandy on the right hand side of the blog under 'Contact M&M at Vandy'. While no fresh flowers are allowed on the floor, cards are more than welcome.

More to come...

A Room With a View

Well, we made it safely down to Vandy. Thanks for your thoughts and prayers during the move. Mike was transported from St. Mary's and Mom and Melisa were ambulance chasers, following him turn by turn. I decided to come on down and join the festivities too. Thanks to Momma Sherry for staying at my house and taking care of my 2 wildcats while My Mike works today.

Nashville, and Vanderbilt in particular, is massive. We are still trying to navigate the city and the medical campus. Thankfully we have found everything we have needed thus far. Upon entering the room, I wish you could have seen the look on Melisa's face! The room is, well, sub par to say the least. We were used to the large rooms, beautiful hardwood floors and flat screen TVs at St. Mary's. Here...not so much. Mom equated the room to that of an airplane while Melisa says she feels like she walked on the set of "One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest." HA! HA! For us girly girls, the room is harder on us than it is on Mikey. It doesn't bother him in the least. He says, "It's a Man's room!"...totally functional with zero frills. I can hear my brother-in-law, Chris's voice saying, "Just get 'er done!", which is really why we are here. I will say the view is incredible. He is on the 11th floor and has a penthouse view of downtown Nashville, which has a beautiful skyline. I guess we will sacrifice some homey comforts in order for him to receive very best care. We are reminded over and over that we have come to the right place.

We were able to speak with his oncologist, Dr. Stein this morning. From the time we got here until this morning, each person who came into the room felt the need to preface Dr. Stein. Again and again we were told, "He's short on niceties but he's the best" or "He's a fantastic doctor but he's not real sweet." We were a little unsure of this meeting this morning but after meeting him I think we are all in concurrence that we LOVE him. I guess everyone has different personalities and respond differently to others but Mike's nature and Stein's nature seem to gel pretty well, which is a definite blessing. We also like our resident on the floor, Dr. English. He is young and is pretty cool.

Dr. Stein went over Mikey's treatment plan with us. He will begin chemotherapy today. For the next 7 straight days he will receive a certain type of chemo. drug via IV bag drip. Also for today, tomorrow, and Saturday he will receive a different chemo. drug. It will also be administered via IV but it requires a nurse to physically insert it in his IV. The the following week he will be able to rest while his body is hard at work replacing its cells. In two weeks from now, he will have another bone marrow biopsy, which hopefully will show "clear cells". Dr. Stein said he fully expects it to be clear. Then either the 3rd or 4th week he will be able to go home for a while. Should it not be clear, he will take another round of the 7 & 3 chemo. I wish I could provide more specifics on his treatment but a lot of the verbiage was over my head. I kept wishing that my personal "resident medical advisor", my sister-in-law Julie, were here to take in all of the medical terminology. She would know what all of that means!

Some of you have asked about going ahead and sending some food cards down to M&M. Over on the right hand side of the blog I have posted some restaurants that are both in the hospital as well as walking distance from the medical campus. I think that's a great idea and would be beneficial to them. Please just send them to our P.O. box listed on the side as well.

I want to say thank you again for all of your thoughts, prayers, and well wishes. They mean everything to us! One terrific story is our super-sweet Aunt Beanie has been undoubtedly been hard at work, relentlessly praying for Mikey. (Thanks Auntie Bean Baby!) She received her sign yesterday, a feather, and was very moved by the experience! We are so very thankful to hear these stories as they are even further reminders that our Lord is totally in this.

If you will, and are comfortable doing so, please pray today. Please pray that each and every person who comes into contact with Mike is guided by the Lord. Please pray that they are able to use the knowledge they are given to provide the absolute best care for Mike. Please pray for Mike and that his body is healed by this 1st round of chemotherapy and that he is able to return to function. Please ask that the Lord continue to lift up M&M's spirits and provide the comfort that only He can.

Thanks for everything everyone! More to come...


Wednesday, September 5, 2007

NashVegas Here We Come!

Big thanks to everyone for their kind emails, posts, calls, and visits to see Mikey yesterday. We received TONS of well wishes and each and every one means so much. Keep them coming!

Today we will proceed to move Mike to Vanderbilt to begin his treatment. I fully expect him to be down there sometime today, probably late afternoon/early evening. My mom and Melisa are going down with him today as well. Also, we are looking into different accommodations for the family, specifically Melisa, to stay during this treatment. Big shout-out to Jodie for getting the ball rolling on this one. :) There are several not-for-profit accommodations that are fantastic and are of little or no money to the family. These places provide meals, transportation to and from the cancer center, and laundry services. How awesome is that??!! We are so thankful that there are facilities such as this. It is a first come, first served deal and as of yesterday they had no availability. Boo! But, the gentleman that I spoke with was very nice and said openings come about everyday and just to check frequently. So we will do that. Please pray today for Mike's safe and comfortable transport as well as the accommodations for the family. Also, please pray that Mom and Melisa don't get lost! Without Poppy, I hope Mom can make it! HA! HA!

At this time, please be thinking of Debbie, Melisa's mom, as she is staying behind taking care of Casey. Debbie has been wonderful through all of this and has been a huge comfort source for not only Melisa but the rest of us as well as she is taking the best care of Casey. Bless her. What would we do without family??!!

One common thread that has come of this experience thus far is that SO MANY of you know someone whose life has been affected by cancer, and more surprisingly, leukemia. So many of you have contacted us and said, "My friend had leukemia and is a 12 year survivor..." or "My friend currently has leukemia and is down at Vanderbilt right now receiving treatment..." Thank you, thank you for these stories. I can't begin to tell you how much this means to all of us. In no way are these just mere coincidences and it is just another way to bring this situation to light. In the great book of John Jesus says, "I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will NEVER walk in the darkness, but will have the light of life." My first instinct is to keep this situation "hush hush" as sort of an out of sight, out of mind thing...if I'm not dealing with it directly, it will go away. However, when we place our faith in the Lord and have the confidence to share our experiences, we gain that comfort and strength from one another. It is a very empowering feeling. Therefore, we will not be ashamed, afraid, or hide in the darkness with this illness. Instead, we will keep looking to Jesus and vigilantly seek His light.

That said, another "helping" thought I had was to ask each of you, if you are comfortable doing so, to contact these friends and family members who have experienced this type of ordeal and have them email either Mike and Melisa or myself. Any advice, words of encouragement, etc... would go a long way with helping boost all of our spirits. Again, just a suggestion.

Once Mike is all settled down there, I'll pass along his contact information. Thanks for the prayers!

Jesus Saves!

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Weekend Whirlwind

Whew! What a weekend! Last Friday Mike went to the ER at St. Mary's as he was just not feeling well and hadn't in quite sometime. He wasn't there anytime when the doc on call told him that he has leukemia. Imagine the shock he felt (and is still feeling). From that point he was ushered into his room where over the next 48 hours went through every test known to man. I will say he has been a trooper throughout this whole process though, of course maintaining his (demented) sense of humor! One of the tests he had was a bone marrow biopsy, which was not comfortable to say the least. A little after the test, his nurse came in and told him that she had to draw some of his blood. He said, "Go ahead, they already pulled a bone out of my ass!" To which she laughed and replied, "Oh yeah, we're gonna get along just fine!" Everytime I have been in there he and his nurses and doctors have all shared a laugh. That is Mikey's gift to the world, his sense of humor and it hasn't been undershadowed what-so-ever by this instance.

Casey got to see his daddy yesterday too. At first he was a little unsure of his surroundings but warmed up in no time! He was in Mike's bed watching TV. He wanted to have the IV tubings on his arm and even wear the hospital gown! The nurse got him a bandaid for his arm and that seemed to suffice. Sweet baby.

While the gravity of this situation has been overwhelming, the amount of comfort and grace that the Lord has already provided us has been even more overwhelming. Each and everyone of us, specifically Mikey, knows the Lord's hand is totally guiding this ship and it is up to us to stay the course and keep our faith that His will shall be done. As we have drawn close to God, he definitely has drawn closer to us. The verse that the Lord has laid on several of our hearts is Psalm 91. While the verse is pretty lengthy, I won't post it in its entirety. Mike and I read it together Friday night and we decided that it is should be a football huddle pep talk, maybe even a Bobby Knight pregame talk. (It's a pretty strong verse.) However, 91:4 is especially comforting to us as it states, "He will cover you with his feathers and under his wings you will find refuge..." With this we have all been finding these feathers and have been putting them in a holder in his room. As you are walking outside, should you see a feather, please say a small prayer for Mike and Melisa and if you feel like it, send it to me and I will add it to our collection. He would love that!

Please be thinking of us today as it is a big one. We will be hopefully receiving the results from that bone marrow biopsy, which will tell us specifically what type of leukemia Mikey has. Also today, please be thinking of Melisa as she will be dealing with the insurance company (Fun!) Lastly, after much thought and prayer Mike and Melisa decided that he will undergo his treatment at the Vanderbilt Ingram Cancer Center in Nashville. Today we will begin that transfer process. We are hoping to have him down there by mid to late week.

Thank you for your love, support, and encouragement. Jesus Saves!!