Saturday, September 29, 2007

Happy 50th Birthday to our Moppy, Lisa Hope!!
We Love You Very Much!!


barbara said...

Hope you are having a good day, you sure don't look fifty. I do know that you are tired(even though you don't show it)I hope you have a great day and I know that Mikey coming home would be the best present. Thank you for being my sister-in -law and I love you very much. You have talked me out of a lot of THINGS, and I will never forget them.
I Love You Like a Sister

Anonymous said...


Gosh ya'll... I wish I was down there to party with the rest of you old fogies this weekend! Sounds like 'Tuba' tricked out the condo just for the occasion. Lis--- can't believe you're 50! Five delightful decades, and hopefully five more to go! Maybe for your birthday I'll make you a costume. You know I've always wanted to do that. And some macaroni and tomatoes.
Anyhoo... hope you guys get into something fun this evening--- just remember, when someone asks for your ID-- they're talking about your AARP card, not your license. But girlfriend, you've still got it! So go pop you some Geritol and get your quinquagenerian swerve on!!!! Cheers to each of you from the 'ville!
(oh... and hi! mikey!!)

Anonymous said...

I am soo glad to hear that everything is coming along so good!! I am also glad to hear that Mikey is going to be able to come home for a little while!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY MOPPY!!!! I think I may recognize that beautiful baby you are holding in that picture!!:) Well I know that we are all looking forward to seeing yalls bright, shining, YOUNG faces come back to Hendo for a while!! Moppy I had to say you looked young to compensate for breaking the tragic news to you that I heard earlier today! It seems that through all the research L'oreal has conducted, they have found that Autumn Ash will no longer cover up that white hair that the 50 year old generation now has so much of!!;) I am so sorry!!

Lindsay, Chris, and Lane
Jesus Saves!!!

overb&a said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY, WEEZIE (how do you spell that, by the way?)...
I'd also like the opportunity to eat some crow and congratulate UK's football team on securing the #8 spot in the land... TAKE COVER, THE APOCALYPSE IS SURELY UPON US


overb&a said...

Big nod to the macaroni and tomatoes

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Aunt Lisa!

Sorry I'm late, but I don't have the internet at home any longer, so I have to post my comments at work. I hope you had a FABULOUS 50th. I have to repeat what mom said, you definitely don't look 50 nor do you act it.
I'm so glad to hear that Mikey will be coming home this week. I hope all of you have a safe journey back home.

Love and prayers,