Tuesday, September 11, 2007

9/11 We Have Not Forgotten

Hard to believe that 6 years have passed since those terrorist attacks on the US. Don't you remember that day just like it was yesterday? Remember EXACTLY where you were when you heard of the tragedy? Remember how blue the sky was that day? Remember what the rest of your day and night consisted of? Definitely hard to believe it was 6 years ago. As I was taking my boys to school this morning, everywhere I turned there were reminders of that day. Bumper stickers on cars, marquee signs on restaurants, flags at half mast in the school yard...all tributes to those who lost so much that day. Please keep the victims' families in your thoughts and prayers as you go about your day today. I can't imagine the grief that this day must bring for them.

I spoke to Mike this morning and he sounded as good as ever. Josh made it down last night and he was in the room with him this morning. I think Josh brought Cameron's PSP and a Madden game for Mike to pass some time. I know he'll put that to good use. Thanks to Josh and Brandi for that! He said he had a good night, ate a good breakfast, and he and Josh went on his walk. It is so reassuring to hear his upbeat voice and know he is in good spirits. I think I posted yesterday that this was his last day of chemo. Actually tomorrow is his last day. I know you are, but please pray that this treatment cures his body of this illness and his spirit is comforted at the same time.

Yesterday while grocery shopping with my youngest child I got to witness a very sweet scenario. For those of you who don't know Houston, or 'Tootie', as he calls himself, he is as rough as a cob...definitely all boy! He would just as soon pounce on your head than give you a hug or a kiss...just ask his big brother who by far takes the bulk of Tootie's abuse. You know those parents who say, "If we had this child first, he would be our last." Well that's us with the Toot Monster. Anyhow, we had just gotten inside the store and I was trying to bribe him to ride in the cart, offering up everything from Oreo's to balloons to no avail. What? Mr. Rambunctious ride peacefully in the cart when there are both employees AND patrons of Kroger to be terrorized??? I don't think so. "OK," I warned him, "but if I have to tell you ANYTHING, ANYTHING at all, you're back in the cart." From the smirk on his face, I knew he understood. I was carefully selecting my oranges as well as keeping a close watch on Houston, who by this point had identified another small child across the store. She appeared to be about his age and had spotted him too. All of the sudden, out of nowhere, they take off running towards one another. Both her mom and I kind of followed along, watching how this was going to unfold. Was he going to take her down, Ray Lewis style? Bite her? With him it's all a possibility. Instead, much to my surprise, rather shock, they met in the middle and just hugged one another...for quite a while too. It was one of the sweetest things I've ever seen. From what we could gather, they didn't know each other, didn't go to the same school, didn't go to the same church, probably the first time they have ever even seen each other, but it didn't stop them from hugging one another. It was the sweetest, most honest, most natural act these two kids could have done at that time. They didn't think anything of it what-so-ever. How liberating it must be to be 2 years old!! Her mom remarked how sweet it was was that they aren't inhibited from doing something like that. I said that we should be more like that. And we should. Maybe we don't need to go up and hug a complete stranger but being a little kinder, a little more gentler sure couldn't hurt either. Because who knows what that person on the other end is going through at the moment.


Big HOPE said...

THis will be the third time I have tried this today. So in case it works, how the hell are ya. Fine I hope. You can imagine how pissed I get fooling with this computer. Just wanted you to know i'm still here and still thinking about you. I'll see you as soon as i get off work friday. Make your Mom relax a little bit because with God there ,all she will need to do is sit and watch whats really going on. I hope you and Josh are having a big time lying to each other about no telling what. How about that big sistee of yours and that blog thing she's doing? "GOOD JOB RACH" I'm gonna go now because I've probably already said some kind of stupid shit in here and didn't even realize it. LOVE

Sherry said...

Feathers flying! Ida Rubicin running wild! Mikey on drugs! And laughter ringing from the rafters!

Yep, Mikey's family has arrived!
Heaven help us all.
- Jesus Saves & Amen -

Anonymous said...

Well I am so happy to hear that everything is going so well. We are going to try and come down as soon as we can.
Well I have talked to Amy Bugg (Curry) today and she told me a few things that could be helpful. I will just have to tell moppy or Rach because I really need to be working instead of typing but they can wait!! Ha Ha. Oh I am also glad that Tobi made it home safe and sound. Yall had me worried to death about that dog. I think I looked for an hour or two. But it is okay as long as he is at home with Casey that is all that matters. Well keep getting better and we will see ya around!!

Lindsay, Chris, and Lane

Jesus Saves!!

overb&a said...

first off, nice to see that Big Hope has regained control of the keyboard... may we all be forewarned...
just wanted to let everyone know that I had visited with Mikey this morning and that, after much difficult deliberation and prayer that the Pacer has shacken off the Earthly shackles of Hoosier-ism and has moved, as we in VOL COUNTRY describe it, "INTO THE ORANGE"... I ALWAYS THOUGHT THAT MIKEY HAD IT IN HIM, BUT I GUESS IT TOOK A PAINSTAKING RE-EXAMINATION OF HIS LIFE IN THE MIDST OF HIS PRESENT CHALLENGES TO FINALLY ANSWER THE CALL... JUST WANT TO SAY THAT I APPLAUD YOUR FAITH IN THE BIG ORANGE NATION...
Mikey's newly-found, enlightened position should indeed give him every hand up in fending off the pesky little leukemic blood cells that have previously plagued him...
it is no small consequence that the same RED and WHITE blood cells which now are Mikey's ARCH NEMESES are also the colors of his most Hallowed Team (dare I publicize IU)... please pray for Mikey to realize the error of his ways and to trust in the guidance and direction of Coach Phillip Fulmer & Co. for the remainder of the college football season...


overb&a said...

oh, and, just so's you know, Rachel, that whole grocery-store embrace thing that Tootie was involved in evidently only works if your not already married (or, at a minimum, not being attended by your "already-married" spouse)...
I tried that deal last night at our local Harris Teater with the whole "Chariots of Fire" thing playing in my head and was quickly corrected by Brandi and forcefully placed back into the shopping cart... they are saying that I might regain the use of my lower extremeties within 6 months... I just wanted to thank you for the inspiration... I will continue the fight

Anonymous said...

Today is Wednesday, September 12, 2007. I pray that toady is a good day and that Mike is really feeling great. Your family is in my thoughts and prayers every second of every day. I love you guys very much!! I miss our smores and hot dogs by the fire!!! SOUNDS SO GOOD!!! I have been talking to a few people about putting togetehr some kind of fundraiser like a bake sale, baseball tournament, etc... I want to grill burgers, hotdogs, and pork chops and make a whole day out of it!! I have some very good promising ideas. I really miss you guys and hope to have you home very soon!! Love Always,

Anonymous said...

Say it ain't so!!! Mikey, please tell me that Jewish didn't come down there and wait until they hooked up your narcotic drip to start talkin' all that UT smack! Did he use all that medical training to put you in some sort of trance or something?? Did he slip some of that east Tennessee snake oil into that IV?? He's delusional-- I think I might have kicked him in the head in the womb or something. Big orange nation.... it's soooo like that 'children of the corn' movie from way back.... strange and scary. In fact, I think Jewish was in that movie.... remember Isaac??? Besides... you know why they wear orange, right? So they can go to the game on Saturday, go hunting on Sunday, and go back to prison on Monday!!! Ha! (and when they play 'rockytop' at the football games..... HELLO.... remember 'deliverance'????!!) Better sleep with one eye open down there!