Sunday, September 9, 2007

Happy Grandparent's Day to our Moppy and Poppy!!

We Love You!

Trey, Hailee, Emilee, Casey, Houston, and Lane


Anonymous said...

Hey everyone, this is our first comment on here, so bear with us, we'll try to make a long story short (Michelle make a story short - that'll be a miracle!! Ha ha!) Ok, as some of you know we (Scott and I) coach 5-7 yr old girls softball, with Hailee and Emilee on our team. We are the orange team, and there's the blue team and the pink team, and in that order is how we are "ranked", 3rd, 2nd, 1st (yes there's only 3 teams, and no we've never won, but boy do we all have fun!) Anyway we had a double header today, first the blue team, then the pink team. We came out somewhat strong, but still lost to the blue team, but had like 5 runs and the girls were hitting and playing really well, so that was ok. We had a small break before playing the pink team and I'm sure everybody's thinking, let's just get this over with (they usually drill us and beat us with the run rule). Well we came out REAL strong and I think we took them a little by surprise.
We hadn't been playing long when Emilee was playing 3rd and the ball was hit right her way and there was a girl on 2nd (almost twice her size mind you!) that took off toward 3rd, well in this league if it isn't a force out, you have to tag the runner, so Emilee turns to tag the runner and this girl runs, no, PLOWS her down! Of course me and Scott both run over to make sure she's ok, and if you've seen this look before you'll know what I'm talking about, but as soon as she got up she wasn't hurt or crying, she was cutting those eyes at the little girl like she was ready to pounce on her! (I know some of you have seen this look, she gives it to Hailee quite often!)
ANYWAY, the next inning when we were batting, Scott always stands in the same spot up by the batter helping them, and he'd been up there a whole game, and then probably two times in this game, in the SAME SPOT, and low and behold he looks down and there's a FEATHER right beside his foot! He starts hollering at me to show me and everybody is looking at him like he's off his rocker! I ran over and got it and stuck it in my pocket. (Bret now has it to bring to Pace in a few days.) Needless to say, this game was full of so much excitement, everyone was on pins and needles, (Scott said he thought he was going to throw up!) EVERY girl hit the ball at least once and..........WE WON!!!!!!!! 14-9!!! Our first game to win and we dealt the #1 team their first loss (and believe me, they did not take it too well!) Scott decided that Pace (and God) helped us win (and kept Em from getting hurt in her collision at 3rd) because God's wings are surrounding Pace to help win his battle, and they spread a little extra farther up to Hendo to help us out at the ballfield too!
Sorry so long, but you know I can't make any story short!!!
We love you guys, Pace keep fighting, and everything will work out just fine with God's wings over us all. JESUS SAVES!!!

Love, The Hope's
Earp, Michelle, Hailee, and Emilee

Sherry said...

Hey Nigel,

"Tiga! Tiga!"

overb&a said...

hey, "earp & family".... just getting to your story... good stuff... great to hear about Hailee & Emilee and their softball exploits... remind me not to collide with Emilee anywhere on the diamond...
regarding the Feather thing... I pulled a 6-inch piece of feather-shaped lint out of my belly-button yesterday night while watching the Braves play the other night and feel like I should be included in this feather-thing, but, just don't want to tell Rachel 'cause she won't count it as legitimate
what do you think I should do?

P.S. I also looked in the mirror and my backhair is shaped like that lead singer from Pussycat Dolls and I don't know what that means either or if it has any relevance at all