Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Happy 8th Birthday Hailee Hope!!


Anonymous said...

Hey all! Happy Birthday Hailee!!! We always let the girls pick where they want to eat on their birthday and it's just us four that go. Well, I want you to know it took Hailee a week to deicde where she wanted to go, and it was down to the wire and we finally had to pull over in Lowe's parking lot so she could make a last minute split decision on where to go - Crazy Buffet! Hope everyone is well and staying warm and dry! OverB&A, Hailee and Emilee are both Tennessee Vols fans!!!! Can you believe it????
Jesus Saves!
Love and prayers,
The Hope's

overb&a said...

... I would like to formally welcome our newest little Volunteers into the Vol Nation... children are our future, and the future's lookin' bright...

Happy Birthday, Hailee