Monday, October 29, 2007
10/29 Update
I am sure the next step during the coming week or two will be another BMB. This will determine the amount of leukemic cells that are present and will also be a good indicator of how many times Mike will undergo his consolidation therapy. As you all know, he's already had one. He will definitely have at least one more. Please pray, as I know you are, that this cures his body once and for all and that he can return to some normalcy. Thanks everyone!
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
Back Home
The consolidation therapy phase of his treatment has to be repeated. I am assuming this will depend on the presence (or hopefully absence) of leukemic cells. This is best determined via bone marrow biopsy. In the past a BMB was done one week following chemotherapy. Please pray that this treatment fully knocks out those cells and the next round will leave them wishing they never entered his body in the first place.
Saturday, October 20, 2007
Friday, October 19, 2007
It seems like yesterday that we were in the hospital laboring around waiting for that glorious 10 cm to arrive. During that time, we also happened to be watching the Astros whip up on the Cardinals in the NLCS to go to the World Series. Houston, my husband's most favorite name in the whole wide world, was about to diminish his even more beloved St. Louis Cardinals' hopes at a World Championship. Could he do it? Back and forth all night he paced, claiming, "Honey, I just don't think I can pull the trigger and name my son Houston of all things!" "But sweetie," I gently reminded him, "it's a man's name." Well, Houston did win that game and our baby's name did indeed remain Houston and neither of us could imagine it any other way. Besides, the Cardinals redeemed themselves with a championship after all the following year.
So anyway, here we are 2 years later preparing for the big day. The invitations have been sent, the decorations have been purchased, the menu planned. And today I went on the search for his birthday present. Both of my guys love sports and while the good Lord knows we need another sporting paraphernalia in this house like we need a hole in our heads, My Mike and I have had our heart set on getting Houston his own basketball goal. You know the small, adjustable, plastic one. The first two places we went, they were sold out and sold out. "Don't tell me people have gotten a jump start on their Christmas shopping," I muttered under my breath. I debated on getting him something different, something that he would like but probably not like as much. No, I decided. He will LOVE the goal and the goal he shall have! Well, all over Louisville I went and FINALLY found what I just was looking for. "I'll take it!" I said. I loaded it up in the back of my truck and off I went.
Driving home, I couldn't help but laugh at myself. Here is a child, a two year old mind you, and I have spent all of my morning looking for the perfect present to go along with his perfect party. Will he remember either of them on Sunday? Maybe. Will he remember them in a week from now? Doubtful. How about in a year from now? Definitely not. So why all of the trouble? Because he will LOVE it and more than that Mike and I will remember the look on his face 20 years from now. That's why. Also as I was driving I couldn't help but recall Max Lucado's Book "He Chose the Nails" and make a connection between my gift for my son and ALL of God's gifts to us. Lucado's book touches on this concept with both great humor and simple eloquence and if you get the chance, this book is phenomenal. Anyway as Lucado points out, the Lord doesn't have to give us anything, much less go above and beyond the call of duty just to put a smile on our face. In the book of Matthew it says, "If you, then, though you are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father in heaven give good gifts to those who ask him!" Amazing when you think about it, isn't it? It's all the little extras, the sugar on top if you will, that He provides simply for our pleasure. Here's a poem from that book that sums it all up nicely:
He splashed orange in the sunrise
and cast the sky in blue.
And if you love to see geese as they gather,
chances are you'll see that too.
Did he have to make the squirrel's tail furry?
Was he obliged to make the birds sing?
And the funny way that chickens scurry
or the majesty of thunder when it rings?
Why give a flower fragrance? Why give food its taste?
Could it be
he loves to see
that look upon your face?
Thursday, October 18, 2007
Mike is in Room 6407 at St. Mary's and his direct line is 812-485-6421. I'll post this over on the right hand side of the blog so that it doesn't get shifted down too quickly.
Thanks again for all of the thoughts and prayers. Keep 'em coming!
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
Definitely Worth Repeating...
Message received 10/13. Passing it on........
Testing. Testing. 1-2-3
Come In Henderson, KY
Howdy! Howdy! Howdy!
Sakes alive, Mikey, we've been ridin' against that cold, blustery wind for weeks now, haven't we, son? Sure hope you don't think that any of us up here are ever too far away to reach you. No way! Back there at St. Mary's, for instance, when we first got wind of that upcomin' Nashville trip. Wally, John and myself hatched up a plan to recruit a bunch of the old-timers, and some of the young cowpokes, too (Jeff, Ben and Brent: settin' on ready and rarin' to go!) and form a posse to hunt down and take out every last one of those good-for-nothin' varmints that recently reared their ugly little heads.
Didn't even have to think twice about fining a good lead man, 'cause Jesus already had you safely secured in one arm and was flat makin' tracks! The rest of us just took a flyin' leap, swung our legs over, and held on for dear life! Picked up lots of other riders along the way, too. Relatives. Friends. Bloggers. Fine, fine people....a bunch of extra legs under our prayers. And together, we flat tore up that ole Henderson/Evansville/Nashville route to get you exactly where you needed to be. Before it was over, He had us all beggin' for mercy. Whoo-Whee, what a ride!!! Haven't felt so alive since I was a kid!
By the time we stormed into Nashville and were within easy earshot of the Ryman, we were hollerin', screamin' and kickin' up dust! Runnin' on faith, and a big ol' dose of adrenaline, that's when we really kicked it into high gear! Made a mean right onto Broadway, held the reins tight, and caught sight of ol' Hank; passin' us up just like we were sittin' still! Thunderin' into the final stretch and travelin' at breakneck speed, an unexpected surge of endorphines kicked in, and that's when we all squalled out in unison: "JESUS SAVES"...and man, you talk about awesome! That was something else!
Pulled into Vanderbilt just in time to see Our Best Friend firmly press His hand against the small of your back, and personally walk you, Melisa and Weesie straight through that Door. Lord, honey, we were absolutely overcome with gratitude at that moment 'cause we knew that, no matter the outcome, your life was gettin' ready to change for the better! Oh, mercy, Mikey, remember how He lit up the faces of every person in that place! How they were all drawn to you. Well, take it from me, sweet boy, that was no coincidence. And Mikey, if you thought your hospital room was crowded with only four or five people in there, I'm here to tell ya that you have absolutely no idea! We were all there. Never left your side.
Well, you get some rest now, pal Kiss that gorgeous wife of yours and give little Casey a big ol' hug for me. Oh, and if you should need us, we'll be hangin' out at the Fiddle Shop. Don't bother to knock. Just come on in. Most likely, we'll be chowin' down on some country ham, cat-head biscuits, red-eye gravy, joop toast....and sippin' some strong, black coffee. Smokin' a little homespun. Cuttin' down on the Orange Blossom Special. Playin' some checkers. Tellin' some tall tales. And havin' a ball!
A BIG HEADES-UP HERE, PAL-O'-MINE, SO LISTEN UP: When the next big "shoot-out" comes around, we'll mosey on over and pick ya up. All you have to do is saddle-up, ride across the Mighty Ohio with all the rest of us, and follow His lead....'cause He's been leading, guiding and directing this rodeo for more years than you could ever imagine, and He's got ya covered!
May Miss Universe continue to testify and blog, blog, blog! May Ida Rubicin forever run wild and free! May the feathers continue to fly! May all those good folks out there keep those cards, letters and blogs comin'! And may we all continue to ride this thing out together....'CAUSE DON'T YA KNOW WE'RE RIDING WITH THE KING??!!!"
October 15, 2007 2:31 PM
Tx Plan for Mikey
As we are faced with a new circumstance of unknowns we are trying to be patient with the process, obedient in following the Lord's lead, and ultimately hopeful for Mike's healing. Hope...Hope is a funny thing. Mom came across a great quote the other day:
Hope is the power of being cheerful in circumstances which we know to be desperate. - Gilbert K. Chesterton
Hope. We will not even for a second hang our heads and become dejected, not even for a second. I can't say that it's always easy to remain hopeful, but with the Lord in our hearts and by our side, we cannot be anything but.
Monday, October 15, 2007
Happy and Sad
Please you all, if you will, keep the family and friends of Jackie Buckman in your thoughts and prayers. Jackie fought a short but strenuous battle with cervical cancer. Jackie was a mother, grandmother, and good friend. She will be greatly missed.
Saturday, October 13, 2007
Friday, October 12, 2007
Hoosier Hysteria
Big day in B-town! Yesterday marked the first official day of college hoops practice and IU definitely got into the mix. Friday morning they kicked off the day with an American Cancer Society Coaches versus Cancer breakfast at Assembly Hall. Coach Sampson is one of the council members for this foundation and this was the first time this event was held at IU. Coach's mother is a cancer survivor herself and this cause is one that he is very passionate about. Along with the breakfast a silent auction was held. Many keynote speakers participated in the event as well, which included other coaches, former IU players, and cancer survivors. All monies received go directly to fighting cancer. What a terrific way to raise awareness about this disease! Since its inception in 1993 this foundation has raised over $40 million to help aid the fight in cancer research. (((sigh...))) I guess IU isn't SO bad after all.
Later that evening the first official practice, "Hoosier Hysteria" was held. Considering the amount of talent the Hoosiers are boasting this year along with a preseason 11th ranking, I'm sure the atmosphere in Assembly Hall was out of control! It looks like Sophomore Armon Bassett won the 3-point contest and freshman Jordan Crawford won the dunk contest. Also DJ White was just named pre-season All-American. I wish Mike, Scott, Garrett and Mike's father-in-law Darrell could have gone. I don't imagine there are many fans that are more rabid about some Hoosier Hoops than those guys! If you have ever had the (dis)pleasure of watching an IU game with one of them you would know what I am talking about. Well I am just glad IU has a good shot at having a decent season this year because I can't take too much of Garrett's and Mike's belly-aching when they face the Wildcats on December 15th. Although this time the game is in Bloomington so UK will definitely have its work cut out.
Have a good weekend!
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
Terrific News!
It is at this time that we have to stop and give this glory to the Lord. We have prayed relentlessly that His will be done and that Mike's healing was included in that plan. We promised that all blessings will be credited to God and that is just what we will keep doing. Please continue to lift up Mike and the rest of our family in your prayers. Please pray that this next stage of chemotherapy completely cures his body of this illness and he is able to "get on with it" and make the Lord even more proud to call him His.
Jesus Saves!
Happy Birthday Mei-Mei Eblen!!
Monday, October 8, 2007
Monday Report
He had a good weekend all in all, mainly just relaxing and had a few visitors. Big Hope and Scott came over and mowed their grass, which was very nice. Mike was also glad to see the Colts win big yesterday. Another funny note: Melisa wasn't feeling so hot yesterday and was lying down on their bed. Mike yelled in there at her, "Hey, do you think you're going to be sick??? I have leukemia in here you know!" heehee
Please continue keep Mike in your prayers. This Wednesday he will be having that BMB, or as he likes to call it, "having the bone pulled from my ass". Please pray that this process goes as smoothly as possible and that those pesky leukemic cells are still at bay. Please pray for his physicians and nurses down at Vandy, the ones that he will visit on Wednesday and the ones that will be taking care of him for his consolidation therapy the following week.
Take care and have a good week!
Wednesday, October 3, 2007
October Sunshine
Mike and Melisa made it home safely and all is well on the home front. While Casey was excited to see his Momma and Daddy, it was Toby, their little pekingese dog, who was the happiest to see Mike. After much begging and pleading, Mike broke down and got Toby for Melisa as a Christmas gift about 8 or 9 years ago. Along with the new puppy, came many rules..."He will not be up on the furniture, he will not eat from the table, he will not do this, he will not do that..." One look into that sweet face and you can only imagine how quickly all of those rules went out of the window. What's worse is that Mike leads the way in Toby's indulgences. He is a very sweet dog with a great disposition. I think he's the only dog that is allowed into the Hope household too, which speaks volumes! Even Poppy thinks Toby is sweet, and Poppy isn't exactly what you call a "dog person".
[Sidenote: Mike, do you remember when Poppy kept Courtney for Jodie one day and she had to go outside in the cold??? He said, "I let that dog out, but I did not put that sweater on it." Oh Lord. That's the funniest thing...ever. Whoo...can't breathe.] For those that just read the sidenote, you have to really KNOW big Hope to appreciate that story. Mike and I can get into hysterics recalling Poppy's past antics. The things that are the funniest are the things that are not's just HIM, his behavior, his mannerisms! Kills me.
Anyhow, back to M&M. Mike was very happy to be back home but was a little unsure leaving the hospital. He grew accustomed to his safe, controlled surroundings and was a little nervous heading back home. He went with Melisa to run some errands around town yesterday and I'm sure he'll be back into the groove in no time.
Next Wednesday, October 10th, he heads back down to Vandy for an outpatient bone marrow biopsy (BMB). This will basically check the status of the leukemic cells and help the oncologists map out a plan for his consolidation therapy, which he will begin somewhere around October 17th. That treatment is an inpatient stay and we're not sure if it will last 2 or 4 weeks. I am sure we will know more on the 10th.
I hope everyone is having a good day and enjoying more of this great weather. It won't be long until we are groaning over the freezing temps and asking ourselves, "HOW many shopping days are left until Christmas???" Yuck. Anyhow, if you will please pray for Mike. Please pray that he is able to adjust to being back home. Please pray that the Lord comfort him and bring peace of mind to him as he awaits the next BMB and treatment.
Thanks Everybody!
Monday, October 1, 2007
Home Sweet Home
I don't know the exact specifics on his next treatment process but as they surface, I will be sure and pass those along. Basically he will spend a couple of weeks at home and then go back to Nashville for his consolidation therapy, or curing phase. Please be praying for this next process as well. Please pray that this upcoming therapy completely rids his body of this illness.
Hopefully, when he goes back to Vanderbilt, he is able to return to his same unit. He formed some really great friendships with several of the staff members and he would like to finish out his stay along with them. Here are some pictures of his favorites:
Dr. Scott English - Being a resident, I don't think he ever left the hospital. At least he was there every time I was. Super cool guy. Over the course of the past month, he and Mike concocted this big story of what English was going to be for Halloween. His costume is to consist of Mike's velour blanket, some platform shoes, and a cane - Dr. Dolemite. It became such an involved epic that most of the time it was way over my head. But they sure did laugh at it...every time!
Nurse Paula - Hands down, this was Mike's favorite person on the floor. I will say she definitely possesses Saint-like qualities. Not only did she take excellent care of Mike, she went out of her way to ensure his comfort. The two of them really seemed to have an obvious connection. Thanks a ton - We Love You Paula!
Mom was able to celebrate her 50th birthday in style in Nashville along with Poppy, Sherry, Bret, Mei-Mei, and Luke. They ate at Maggiano's, this fabulous Italian restaurant and she also got some really nice gifts. I think having her son home is the greatest gift she could ask for though.
Thanks yet again for all of the thoughts, well wishes, and prayers. Please continue to pray for Mike's healing. It means so much!