Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Back Home

Mike wrapped up round one of his consolidation therapy last night and is comfortable being back home. Melisa was able to determine which Home Health nursing company is able to provide Mike's care and that will begin either today or tomorrow. He goes to Dr. Zigler's office this afternoon for a neupagen shot - the WBC booster - at 4:00. I don't think that injection is pain free, so please pray that goes well for him.

The consolidation therapy phase of his treatment has to be repeated. I am assuming this will depend on the presence (or hopefully absence) of leukemic cells. This is best determined via bone marrow biopsy. In the past a BMB was done one week following chemotherapy. Please pray that this treatment fully knocks out those cells and the next round will leave them wishing they never entered his body in the first place.


Sherry said...

Pleased to hear that you made it through another round, Mikey! Bet you & Melisa are glad to be back home with Casey. Remember: No pain; no gain. Are you buying that stuff? Translated: This ain't gonna be fun. hahaha Keep up the good work, kid. Love ya much.

barbara said...

So glad you're home even just for a little while. I have been thinking about you guys and am not believing that that little guy up north is 2 years old. Time does fly by.
I Love You Guys
If you nee anything please call day or night

overb&a said...

hey, man... just wanted to pass on a great big "Hello" from Chris Lofton and the gang down here in VOL COUNTRY... Lofton's been just hangin' out down here warming up, getting ready to slice up the SEC and drainin' "3"s from yo momma's house...
I hope that Kelvin Sampson can keep a lid on all the rest of the NCAA infractions up there in Hoosier land so that you guys can at least finish out the season...