Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Definitely Worth Repeating...

Hey all! Don't know if you were able to read Sherry's comment from 10/13 (her birthday) or not but I had to post it here in its entirety. She was able to hone in on our Hadio (Les) and relay a message from him. As I was reading it, I could literally hear his voice in my head! Can't you just hear him saying all of that too??? If those aren't some of the finest words I have ever read, I don't know what are. All you Smithharts have your tissues ready, especially you Aunt Beanie!! Whoo-Whee!

Message received 10/13. Passing it on........
Testing. Testing. 1-2-3
Come In Henderson, KY
Howdy! Howdy! Howdy!

Sakes alive, Mikey, we've been ridin' against that cold, blustery wind for weeks now, haven't we, son? Sure hope you don't think that any of us up here are ever too far away to reach you. No way! Back there at St. Mary's, for instance, when we first got wind of that upcomin' Nashville trip. Wally, John and myself hatched up a plan to recruit a bunch of the old-timers, and some of the young cowpokes, too (Jeff, Ben and Brent: settin' on ready and rarin' to go!) and form a posse to hunt down and take out every last one of those good-for-nothin' varmints that recently reared their ugly little heads.

Didn't even have to think twice about fining a good lead man, 'cause Jesus already had you safely secured in one arm and was flat makin' tracks! The rest of us just took a flyin' leap, swung our legs over, and held on for dear life! Picked up lots of other riders along the way, too. Relatives. Friends. Bloggers. Fine, fine people....a bunch of extra legs under our prayers. And together, we flat tore up that ole Henderson/Evansville/Nashville route to get you exactly where you needed to be. Before it was over, He had us all beggin' for mercy. Whoo-Whee, what a ride!!! Haven't felt so alive since I was a kid!

By the time we stormed into Nashville and were within easy earshot of the Ryman, we were hollerin', screamin' and kickin' up dust! Runnin' on faith, and a big ol' dose of adrenaline, that's when we really kicked it into high gear! Made a mean right onto Broadway, held the reins tight, and caught sight of ol' Hank; passin' us up just like we were sittin' still! Thunderin' into the final stretch and travelin' at breakneck speed, an unexpected surge of endorphines kicked in, and that's when we all squalled out in unison: "JESUS SAVES"...and man, you talk about awesome! That was something else!

Pulled into Vanderbilt just in time to see Our Best Friend firmly press His hand against the small of your back, and personally walk you, Melisa and Weesie straight through that Door. Lord, honey, we were absolutely overcome with gratitude at that moment 'cause we knew that, no matter the outcome, your life was gettin' ready to change for the better! Oh, mercy, Mikey, remember how He lit up the faces of every person in that place! How they were all drawn to you. Well, take it from me, sweet boy, that was no coincidence. And Mikey, if you thought your hospital room was crowded with only four or five people in there, I'm here to tell ya that you have absolutely no idea! We were all there. Never left your side.

Well, you get some rest now, pal Kiss that gorgeous wife of yours and give little Casey a big ol' hug for me. Oh, and if you should need us, we'll be hangin' out at the Fiddle Shop. Don't bother to knock. Just come on in. Most likely, we'll be chowin' down on some country ham, cat-head biscuits, red-eye gravy, joop toast....and sippin' some strong, black coffee. Smokin' a little homespun. Cuttin' down on the Orange Blossom Special. Playin' some checkers. Tellin' some tall tales. And havin' a ball!

A BIG HEADES-UP HERE, PAL-O'-MINE, SO LISTEN UP: When the next big "shoot-out" comes around, we'll mosey on over and pick ya up. All you have to do is saddle-up, ride across the Mighty Ohio with all the rest of us, and follow His lead....'cause He's been leading, guiding and directing this rodeo for more years than you could ever imagine, and He's got ya covered!

May Miss Universe continue to testify and blog, blog, blog! May Ida Rubicin forever run wild and free! May the feathers continue to fly! May all those good folks out there keep those cards, letters and blogs comin'! And may we all continue to ride this thing out together....'CAUSE DON'T YA KNOW WE'RE RIDING WITH THE KING??!!!"


October 15, 2007 2:31 PM


Anonymous said...

That is the best! Unbelievable! Mikie, I'm back at work today. I'll be over as soon as I get off. Go easy on the cheeseburgers, chocolate cake and ice cream! HA! See you in a bit.

MRP said...

I can see Hadio's crooked finger pointing at my chest telling me if you are ready to go hop in the Continental "Cream" Lincoln. If you not ready to go Love your family hard, say your prayers, and we'll see ya when we see ya!